
Seminário IGEQ - Risk Management

Adicionado há 3 anos 98 dias atrás por Joana Reis

Vem a Federação Equestre Portuguesa informar que se vai realizar no dia 29 de Setembro, o IGEQ's online ‘Risk Management Seminar’ para Treinadores de Equitação.

Convite IGEQ:

Dear IGEQ-member

Please feel free to forward this invitation to all equestrian trainers and coaches related to your federation. 

We are happy to invite you to IGEQ's online ‘Risk Management Seminar’ for Equestrian trainers. 

The seminar will take place on Wednesday 29th of September10 - 12h CET via ZOOM. 


- Risk Management and its Application in the Equestrian field.

- Summary of the PHD on Risk Management in equestrian coaching on different levels. 

- How to handle in case of concussion - protocols Australia. 


The speakers will be experts from Australia and Great-Britain.

The seminar will be free for all interested equestrian trainers - no inscription needed!

The zoom link will be sent by mail Monday 27th of September and will be presented on our Facebook page. 

Hope to see you all online!

The IGEQ-team.